Zemery Dwayne Noble was born on 20 May 1906 in Arkansas, USA as the fifth child of Thomas Harvey Noble and Tranny Josephine Estelle. He had ten siblings, namely: Horace Leslie, Mary Sue, Addie Lou, Dewey Harvey, Savage, Charles, Nellie Jean, John, Alleane, and Russell Samuel. He married Mamie Kate Pickel on 23 Dec 1928. He died on 17 Jul 1976 in Hamburg, Ashley, Arkansas, USA.
He lived in Carter, Ashley, Arkansas, USA in 1910. He lived in Carter, Ashley, Arkansas, USA in 1920. He lived in Mill Creek, Ashley, Arkansas, USA in 1930. He lived in Crossett, Ashley, Arkansas, United States on 01 Apr 1940. His 1910 and 1920 Census records can be found here. His records for 1930 and 1940 are below.
Zemery Dwayne Noble and Mamie Kate Pickel had the following children (I'm sure they were married in Hamburg, Ashley, Arkansas, just like almost everyone else in the family, but I can't find their certificate online.): At least some of his children are still living, so I won't list anything more than their names, and they can readily be found online.
1. Zemery Dwayne Noble
2. Margery Josephine Noble
3. James Elvin Noble
4. Allen Lee Noble .
5. Donald Thomas Noble.
1. Check the marriage book in Ashley County next time I'm home to see if I can find them. Since I have an exact marriage date now.
2. Follow-up on information about their children.
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1930 Census - Mill Creek, Ashley, Arkansas, USA |
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1940 Census - Egypt Township, Ashley, Arkansas, USA |